SENIOR SCHOOL - March 28, 2024


Friday, March 29 to Monday, April 1 - Easter Long Weekend (No Classes)
Tuesday, April 2, 11:15am - Grade 12 Spanish Field Trip to La Bella Managua
Tuesday, April 2, 1:40pm - Fire Drill
Tuesday, April 2, 2:40pm - Reach for the Top
Thursday, April 4, 9:00am - Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Thursday, April 4, 2:00pm - Preloved Uniform Sale at 1320 Cafeteria
Friday, April 5, 11:00am - Grade 12 Biology Ontario Science Centre Trip
Friday, April 5, 3:00pm - Grade 12 Students vs. Staff Basketball Game
Monday, April 8 - Professional Development Day (No Classes)
Ramadan (March 10 - April 9) - Students are encouraged to let their advisor know if they will be observing Ramadan.
During lunch time, the Learning Commons and Gathering Space will be strictly a no-food area.


Spring Athletic and CoCurricular Schedules - Now Available!

Students wishing to participate in Spring Athletics and/or our CoCurricular Clubs program this Spring are encouraged to check out the updated schedules below (these can also be found on the Student Life Tile on YorkNet)
Middle School Spring Co-Curriculars
Senior School Spring Co-Curriculars

Check out another new club for Senior students!

Questions? Please contact Rick DeMarinis, Director, Athletics at or Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at

Chair Candidate Meet & Greets and Election

Students and staff are invited to meet with next year’s Chair candidates prior to Wednesday, April 12’s speeches and vote. 

Chair candidates will be in the cafeteria prior to first period on Tuesday morning for coffee and conversation and the Grade 9s will have a live Q&A during Advisor on Tuesday. All students have received the candidate slide deck with their campaign initiatives as well as personalized video to help inform their voting.

A reminder that the Chair leadership position is the highest student leadership role offered at York and these two graduating students are instrumental in leveraging student voice and shaping our school’s culture.

Questions? Please contact Adina Fuss, Coordinator, Senior Student Leadership at

YORK Thrifts Campaign

Canada produces 500 million kilograms of textile waste annually, of which, less than 1% are recyclable. We hope to encourage change within our community to positively impact this statistic. To address this, Emily and Quinn, ‘24, have created the “York Thrifts” campaign centred around reusing clothing in our school’s own circular thrift shop.

Gently used and new clothing can be donated in the bins outside the York School Store from March 25 to April 18. 

The thrift shop will open at the beginning of Eco Week - April 22 and 23. 

Clothing will be priced at $3, $5, and $10 and will be purchasable through each student's student card. All proceeds will be donated to Fashion Takes Action, a Canadian operated non-for-profit that focuses on reducing and raising awareness about textile waste nation-wide. Excess clothing will be donated to New Circles.

Questions? Please contact Eco Team Advisor - Cathy Gordeyev at



Date: April 4, 2024
Where: Learning Commons, 1320 Yonge Street (Middle/Senior Campus)
Time: 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Note: In an effort to not create waste, please bring a reusable bag to the sale.

Preloved UNIFORM Donations

Junior School: Preloved Uniform Drive collection boxes are on the main floor by the elevator.
Middle/Senior School: Preloved Uniform Drive collection boxes are on the main floor by the reception.
Please bring all your Preloved uniforms to your child/children's respective campus and place them inside the boxes provided at reception.