Middle School - APRIL 11, 2024

Upcoming EVENTS

CISMF Concert Rehearsal - April 11 & 12

CISMF Music Festival - April 13

Fire Drills - April 15 and 24

  • There will be a practice fire drill for students on Monday, April 15 & Wednesday, April 24. 

  • If your child needs extra support during the drill, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher.

Lunch Outs

  • The next scheduled Grade 7 Lunch out is on Wednesday, April 17.

  • An additional option Grade 7 lunch out has been set for Thursday, April 25.

  • Homeroom teachers will review the boundaries and rules with students.

  • Grade 8’s will continue to have an optional lunch every Friday.

Arts Night - April 25

  • Middle School Drama Night Festival at 6:00pm

  • Middle School Arts Night at 7:00pm 

  • See invitation below

Placements for 2024-2025

  • The objective of the class placement process is to ensure classes are balanced in gender, number, student academic diversity, and social dynamics, to name a few factors. We undertake this process in consultation with your child’s current team of teachers, social worker and learning strategist. We also believe that students have the ability to adapt to new social groupings, and are part of the developmental process. 

  • At this time we welcome friend requests or insights to your child's learning style needs for students entering grade 7 and 8.

  • We do not accept teacher requests or exclusionary requests for students. As well, we do not accept any requests for students entering grade 9. At this stage of their development, the school believes the skills of adapting and meeting new peers is an important life skill.

  • In grade 9, students will be placed into a core Integrated Canadian Experience (ICE) group (English, History, Geography, Civics) and the class composition will be varied in the other 4 subjects (PE, Science, Math, Arts) of a student's timetable.

  • All class groupings will be communicated during the last week in August before the first day of school via the release of the timetables on YorkNet. Please complete this form by April 15, 2024. Given the lengthy class placement process, late submissions will not be considered.

Student Life & Belonging

Grade Lead Elections - Tuesday, April 16 and Thursday, April 18

Current Grade 9s and 10s will hear their candidates’ speeches and vote on Tuesday, April 16.
Current Grade 11s will hear their candidates’ speeches and vote on Thursday, April 18.

Both of these elections will take place during the 2:00pm Advisor slot. We thank all of our students who are running for and have applied to different leadership commitments for next year.

Questions? Contact Adina Fuss, Coordinator, Senior School Student Leadership at afuss@yorkschool.com.

Director Interviews Begin! - Monday, April 15 - Wednesday, April 25

Senior School students who have applied for a Director position in student leadership next year will have an interview for their respective positions starting on Monday. Students are reminded to check their timeslot and to communicate with the staff advisors listed below if they are unable to attend.

Wellbeing Committee Director Interview Contacts - Shana and Avallon
Belonging & Outreach Director Interviews - Ms Gopal and Ms Gordeyev
House Heads & Spirit Director Interviews - Ms Fuss and Ms Porter
Communication Director Interviews - Ms Fuss and Ms Porter

All Student Leadership applications for committee placements and next year’s appointments for all student leaders will be completed by April 26.

ECO Week @ York - Monday, April 22 - Friday, April 26

Students and staff have many activities and awareness campaigns to look forward to during our 2024 Eco Week including an assembly panel of experts in different fields of sustainable practices.

Questions? Please contact Robin Johannsen and Cathy Gordeyev, Advisors for our Eco Student Leadership Committee.

YORK Thrifts Campaign

Canada produces 500 million kilograms of textile waste annually, of which, less than 1% are recyclable. We hope to encourage change within our community to positively impact this statistic. To address this, Emily and Quinn, ‘24, have created the “York Thrifts” campaign centred around reusing clothing in our school’s own circular thrift shop.

Gently used and new clothing can be donated in the bins outside the York School Store from March 25 to April 18.

The thrift shop will open at the beginning of Eco Week - April 22 and 23.

Clothing will be priced at $3, $5, and $10 and will be purchasable through each student's student card. All proceeds will be donated to Fashion Takes Action, a Canadian operated non-for-profit that focuses on reducing and raising awareness about textile waste nation-wide. Excess clothing will be donated to New Circles.

Questions? Please contact Eco Team Advisor - Cathy Gordeyev at cgordeyev@yorkschool.com.