Junior School - April 4, 2024


What you need to know

Be a Communicator: Share your learning about the Solar Eclipse. If you learn anything about the solar eclipse taking place on Monday, April 8, please share with Ms. Sara Sankari.

Lice Update: Dear York School Families,

This year the school has seen a predictable, normal increase in cases of Lice. While this is not a health concern, it is certainly a nuisance. Lice is transmitted by close head-to-head contact with someone who already has head lice. Contact is common during play at school and at home. Head lice are also spread by using hats, scarves, combs, brushes, hair ribbons, pillows or towels recently used by someone with head lice.

We ask that on a regular basis, you take time to examine your child’s head for the presence of nits or lice. If you discover any nits or live lice, please keep your child home until their hair is treated.  Please see this handout from Toronto Public Health for more information. The Junior School will have a school wide lice check on April 16, 2024.  

Thank you very much for your attention and partnership.


Drop Off and Pick Up

Any student in any grade is welcome to drop off and pick up at any door at any time. We do not designate locations based on grades with the exception that Kindergarten students may be collected from the Kindergarten door.

Drop Off

Junior School students JK through Grade 5 should arrive at school between 8:15am - 8:30am. All drop-offs will be “indoor drop-offs” where students will immediately enter the building and go to their classrooms.

Pick Up

Pick-up at the end of the school day will follow the “indoor pick-up” procedure. Students will wait in their classrooms until they are called down when their parents arrive.

To alleviate possible congestion at drop-off and pick-up, we invite our community to consider riding or walking to school. Remember, students may always be dropped off or picked up using the “Kiss-and-ride” accessed through the lane off Glen Elm Avenue at the back of the Junior School.

Please note that there is no parking permitted in the church parking lot at any time. Please refer to The Family Handbook for more details.


On Tuesday, our International Day of Pink Assembly hosted by our Grade 5 leaders will launch our PRIDE WEEK celebrations. Each year, as an inclusive and caring school community, we honour pride and the official International Day of Pink. We want to show our allyship to the 2SLGBTQ+ community and stand up for everyone who has experienced prejudice, discrimination and hate due to their race, age, faith, disabilities, gender or sexuality. This year’s theme is VISIBILITY in all its forms-being seen, acknowledged and listened to. Next week our students will learn about allyship and how to create a community where all people feel safe, valued and respected. 

  • Please note that there are two casual days next week. On Wednesday, April 10 we are wearing pink clothing and accessories to honour the International Day of Pink and on Friday, April 12 we are wearing rainbow colours to celebrate pride and identity.


*Please share your availability by Monday, April 8

We're celebrating Spring with our final YPA Recess Event in the JS playground on Friday, April 26! Volunteers will run simple games and a snack station. This event will take place exclusively outside, regardless of weather.  Please share your availability on this Google Form by April 8 and look for an email by April 10 (as it is possible that interested volunteers will outnumber available spaces).

CISMF: Music Festival 2024  

The Junior Choir will be travelling by coach bus to St. Andrew’s College in Aurora on Friday, April 12 for their final rehearsal for CISMF.

  • Ms Amy Faba and Ms Sarah Cox will be chaperoning the students.

  • A packed lunch from our cafeteria will be served or students can bring their own lunch from home. 

  • Students are asked to bring a water bottle and nut-free snacks as they are rehearsing all day. 

  • Arrangements for a late pick up or to attend After Care will need to be made as we will arrive after our regular dismissal. 

  • Please review the Venturing out form with all of the details required for this trip  Grade 3-5 Junior Choir CISMF Concert Rehearsal at St. Andrew’s College School  

Music Festival 2024  
Saturday, April 13 
3pm - 5pm AT Roy Thomson Hall

This  annual celebration of music, running for almost four decades, features choirs and bands — jazz, symphonic, concert and more from 30 participating schools  — all culminating in a mass finale with a well-known guest conductor. Join us in honouring our talented music students from Grades 3-12 as they get ready to take to the stage in this year’s performance.